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Monday, January 25, 2010

IMDb: The Soapbox: Spears + Burton on.html

Nell Burton is
1|2 Tim Burton 1|4 English 1|16 Jewish 1|16 Spanish 1|8 French

Britney Spears' maternal 5th grandfather moved from Malta, the south tip of Italy, to London, and her grandma moved from there. I know a boy who's 38|9 whose sister lives there.

1|2 1|4 1|8 1|16 1|32 1|64


Kate Beckingsale is from England and is 1|16 Burmese by China and has an older daughter in ice skating with reddish hair and white skin and is very strong. Is Burma related to Indonesia? Maybe not just in the way not to China|India because that's Indochina and Tibet. It is interesting the way indian is for the Indies. I'm more interested in Polynesia, but that's more like black.
