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Thursday, January 28, 2010

IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: This place does remind me of jerry springer quite a bit

christina and spud
never heard of "spud" something happen

Christina Barrett

IMDb: Alice in Wonderland (2010): Re: I was just exaggerating, I didn't mean they were literally indentured

Re: I was just exaggerating, I didn't mean they were literally indentured
by Sshelly34213 48 minutes ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 23:04:07)
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I do agree that he perfectly fits the role of The Caterpiller, but I also think he perfectly fits the role of the Mad Hatter.

The only lasting truth is Change.
-Octavia Butler

Re: I was just exaggerating, I didn't mean they were literally indenture
by ChristinaBarrettAiW1 41 seconds ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 23:51:41)
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oh no!

Alice ... Alice ... how do you get to Wonderland

IMDb: Tim Burton: Re: Nell Burton

n gg r wife
That makes sense. Say stop n gg ring me with your daughter. Then stop ... your n gg r daughter ... n gg r wife. So I didn't really do anything too bad, but it plagues me. I'm just glad we didn't continue. There's no other way. I don't like using certain language generally, but I didn't mean anything from real life.

IMDb: Tim Burton: Re: Nell Burton I was thinking Tim Burton quit being a sporadic spin off trashy + poor people. I mean the way he's concerned he fits in doesn't fit in with people who aren't like that who haven't achieved some worldwide recognition. I wish I did. I'm 23, so it's not all too late for me. It just makes me feel guilty because I feel that I'm not good enough and therefore was insulted. But, this is ABCs, stuff that doesn't apply to me that was so wrongly but for some reason.

IMDb: Tim Burton: Re: Nell Burton

It's not the ABCs I get the feeling haha funny I'm nothing because I sacrificed but had blackheads, came in the game innocent and left feeling a certain way because of not knowing who was posting, never said anything bad, but others did all the time about anyone.

One thing not considered too important but sorta when I posted on Princess and the Frog I had already gotten upset of being treated strangely though interesting on the Johnny Depp board and since hitting my wall I was taken advantage of but as usual. All I post about is race and how I care about it and no one else does. It's more a mistake, but helped me realize things I don't want. It's truly inhuman to send someone a message because you're jealous of their intelligence and you're famous. So I said quit n gg ring me with your daughter and prior stated it was an expression because they were being fake. So I said leave me alone with your n gg r daughter after that.

Anyway posting here yea I said you're Tim Burton and this person always kidded with me strangely, I said like I never looked her up. I said n gg r wife but way after likewise. Things got worse and I hit more and no one forgot and things weren't the same online. I think that was the difference.

IMDb: The Soapbox: IMDb: Tim Burton: Nell Burton l
The Soapbox

I saw the YouTube with Tim Burton and he connects with his daughter as a person. Most kids have to approach their dads and connect from both sides and as a person. They rule out others who did nothing wrong who never had a chance at life and do everything they're supposed to. I thought famous people did it like my parents for fun since they're different. So it's nice to see he wants a real family, what I always pushed for initially. I don't know who posted with me, if he posts here, but other people weren't interested but it's still the point when you're interested. I didn't mind my brother because my parents didn't change and I liked getting away but things were different. You know like if you like an adult they usually put themselves down and lie about what they have to offer. I don't really care about anything. I feel funny even with peers and nice boys because suddenly everyone is so goody good but were bad before and never gets discussed. I think she's treated extra special. No one talks about her, but before I never looked her up just heard. I just wanted to stay focused and do what I was supposed to do.

Christina Barrett

e-mail: dad + mom: [U L] sandwich

The bun fell off the part of the sandwich I left, only had a little less from the middle, but it was good and I ate it and took the onion rings off. I want to make sandwiches like that, wheat with the tuna|cold cut, hadn't thought of it yet. It would make a good meal. I went to the restroom and it tilted over from the middle.

I just had dairea twice

first I didn't feel the pee and there was stoppage, liquid with poo, then there was a stream of poo not as much, not disgusting, but I hope it doesn't get worse all of a sudden

IMDb: Alice in Wonderland (2010): Re: When I see the majority of the cgi creatures...

When I see the majority of the cgi creatures...
by trisp 13 minutes ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 21:20:57)

I keep forgetting that it's a Tim Burton film. I mean don't get me wrong, I love his style and everything, but I like how he makes it recognizable as a wonderland film. If I saw images of the White Rabbit and the Dormouse alone and I didn't know Burton was directing it, I wouldn't have been able to put the two together.

Does anyone else think that?


Re: When I see the majority of the cgi creatures...
by ChristinaBarrettAiW1 18 seconds ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 21:33:48)

Definitely, but what's wrong with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

IMDb: Alice in Wonderland (2010): Re:

Burton AND Alice in Wonderland
Yea I also like Little Princess Little Prince A Secret Garden

IMDb: The Soapbox: Olivia Newton-John or Julie Andrews

I could live without neither, but I could live with just Olivia Newton-John as far as the kinds of things I do.

Christina Barrett

IMDb: Alice in Wonderland (2010): Re: So there IS a Hatteress....

I made a fan group for Helena Bonham Carter and she became queen. It's like she's taking Julie Andrew's place with help, and it's not even a musical!

1. We find out the Hatter hasn't been taken due to disloyalty, but rather to fashion the Red Queen a new hat. We see the Hatteress brought out along with maybe some of the designs she attempts. The Queen has her imprisoned.

2. We find out the Hatter HAS been arrested for disloyalty, but the Red Queen gives him a chance at redemption (via Alice's suggestion?) by designing hats for her. Again, we briefly meet the Hatteress before she's taken away for her poor designs.

I could simply be way off base, but I think it seems at least half-way logical. I guess we'll find out for sure when the novelization comes out next week.
That's scattered logic.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

IMDb: The Soapbox: Time ... 2 ... Eat

I just saw a pic of glazed donuts and am so into trashy food. Not sure if we have burger buns. I can have pizza, mac and cheese. I can find some dessert. I just wanna eat a lot. I wanna watch my Netlix|TV or post on here.

I have to set up listening to music in here. My credit cards aren't working with Amazon and iTunes but randomly. iTunes I don't know how to fix this time the security code but could look up another answer. I need to clear my room, just have a printer and table and need to dust some things I have around. I can also clean the garage. I just washed my bed cover and sheets. I think I more wanna watch TV. I keep leaking, but my parents got me diapers so I dunno just live with it. I have to ask for more anyway maybe change this time or not I dunno, not good. I think my parents leak semen and discharge. I need to clean my sofa. I can always clean off later not even sure if it's a stain. It didn't get so much bigger and could go away. I can just use small pads. I need to eat. I can wipe later. I'm sick.

Christina Barrett

People got me all that

karaoke Britney Spears

the moon's gone

i have codes

IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Paranoid? Do you believe in punishment for mistakes?

I don't get close to anyone except really cool people but not my family. I just do it to be social but never get too close or do anything that feels stupid.


IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Paranoid? Do you believe in punishment for mistakes?

Is discomfort something people play with?

Why do Asians have scrunched up fatter faces?


IMDb: Re: Suggestion: Favorite comedy film from the '80s

well ok so


IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Paranoid? Do you believe in punishment for mistakes?

Do you blame parents or the people who attacked?


IMDb: The Soapbox: Do you believe in punishment for mistakes?

A mistake is something that happens in quick time.


another more slanted

with wings blu?

IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: There's no such thing as 'superior' music taste

I'm asking my parents to get some at Acrombe & Fitch & Bath & Body Works


I see a little jet

outlining the roof like a microbe

i c the moon n the moon c'z me

god bless the moon n god bless me

smells like museum food rice


IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Double standard regarding age gap?

Isn't it natural to just hang out with older boys and to treat younger boys like peers? I understand it, but I want to trust in someone older someday.


IMDb: The Soapbox: feeling better

I can get together some YouTubes of karaokes and sing them. I was thinking in bed today, for once in bed in a day, of bringing in an old boombox hoping it's still here, if not need to ask for maybe a portable CD player and maybe some CDs. Like for my parents to go in Acrombe & Fitch or Bath & Body Works. Or Downtown Disney, my mom got me my water jug at work.


The moon has been up at 6 every night

it's grayish purple

IMDb: The Soapbox: Tacky

Why does something always happen now? Once I hit my wall a little loud and then got mad again and hit it more. I just avoid everything now and don't do much.

I just get weird ideas that fall thru, but they are not supposed to happen neither. Do you think that's very civil? I don't need people to act like it bothers me. Don't you know that's all they do, act tacky? Or, is it just people making fun of my life? Who is the person who could explode and would this person be guilty? Or, is it just another jealousy issue or because life is hard? It's been a long time, and it gets better, but it's still not okay. What's wrong with hitting the wall if something happens? You can act like nothing happened and everything's okay, but things always get better when you realize something is wrong. I don't know when the tacky feeling will go away from this particular issue. I think it will. My face is getting better from blackheads. For instance it was nobody's fault, and people failed to realize they're not supposed to do this. It's like when Steve Irwin died.

Anything else? Just like something will happen like my billing info doesn't work and I feel a funny feeling like it's someone's fault I talk to I like but it's definitely not, any dummy knows.


IMDb: The Soapbox: Sports

What do you think? How do you balance anything out with school and arts? I never even watched any movies. Do you just add the activities like a collection? What do you think of girls in swimming who wanna do cheerleading? Would you do tennis or something athletic at a club? Pro Cheerleading seems to be all hip hop. If you did gymnastics and ballet, can't you do this? I did arts and school work too, so it's hard and I'm on a sabbatical. I use dance videos and don't really go out.


IMDb: The Soapbox: People Insinuating "Viet F'lip" etc. All the Time Now

Do you think it's normal and okay? Do you ever find it inconvenient? I've never seen a white one like with gold locks, but their skin is not like Indian. I just see them each as a different person. The ones with white skin vary in how they look Asian.


IMDb: WWF Raw Is War: Re: I have a confession to make.....I'm really.............

wut foo iz inglesh ur only language


white deer fwd from my older aunt


We were walking in the hall and I lol-ed to recognize Olivia Newton-John. I was at school. I was tired and practicing cheerleading on stage in front of all the kids. There were a couple other older people and they cheered while I climbed and balanced easily on shoulders. Then I was in bed and saw my mom's mom like this pic of a half Spanish half French girl and younger baby brother with the dad's thumb with dirt like her toenails had a little length past, like a cute English boy.

e-mail always has a space

A line, I don't remember when it started, around the same time.

e-mail: [U L] They are showing "Alice in Wonderland" at the Superbowl

They have an interview of the main male actor as the hatter on

e-mail: [U L] I just woke up

IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Double standard regarding age gap?

Re: Double standard regarding age gap?
by you
Why would a girl do that? I can only go with older guys now. With younger guys I feel I need to be a higher position.


Olivia Newton-John video


Olivia Newton-John video

IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Orlando

Re: Orlando
by welcome_to_breakfast 2 minutes ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 04:38:08)
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UPDATED Wed Jan 27 2010 04:39:04

Sounds like the best of both worlds.

Re: Orlando
by ChristinaBarrett15 2 seconds ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 04:40:18)
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Yea it's nice.


IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Masturbating

Re: Masturbating
by welcome_to_breakfast 2 minutes ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 04:35:36)
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Have you thought about getting a pair of boxing gloves and a punching bag?

Re: Masturbating
by ChristinaBarrett15 3 seconds ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 04:37:57)
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No but I'm on automatic pilot.


IMDb: The Soapbox: Billy Ray Burton

I was thinking again isn't he cute? Tim should be all smiles.

I was thinking when he was interviewed about his kids about his fan kids.

Do you think his kids get together with other kids and do you think Tim Burton has real fans?

I was thinking personally also about Tim Burton's interview and thought of how he must not have time with his kids and retract issues for their sake, being Tim Burton, like a public father figure as opposed to a blood father. It makes me uncomfortable

last video to think the reason he sees his mom the way you would see a teacher you like is because Tim has feelings for her but is older. The other way around is different. She's younger. Some people marry for sex, and others for lust and affection. They aren't married nor very together. I mean my parents are together but open to new relationships yet private and quiet. To me it's the opposite, they're not, but they're not together. Is it funny? It seems to be an issue regarding what's going on.


IMDb: The Soapbox: Orlando

Everything here has gone crazy again since I hit my wall. Everything here is so tacky, like the way I hear cars drive outside, depending on what's going on specifically in segments here, nothing consequentially.

Also how do you feel about parents? I live at home for health and never see them.


IMDb: The Soapbox: This Morning

I felt funny when I posted about Steve Irwin because I was upset he died. It was a chain reaction. Someone said I might get hit with a cello, and I just felt bad and didn't know what to do in this situation. Maybe I wasted time, but I didn't waste energy. I'm getting back into posting about movies again. I made a new account for Netflix. I'm not sure, just keep making more movie accounts. People come and go. This one is for randomness, so I dunnos. I just want the Netflix stuff out. It's documentary now. Lots.


IMDb: The Soapbox: Masturbating

If you masturbate that means you should hit the wall to take out anger or calm down with food laxitives and rest or get some work out if you can. Is that the exception to if you ever voluntarily do things like hit a wall? It's more premeditated. I just feel that that can fix counseling issues. It leaves a scar. I don't even remember when I started, but sometimes I had to slam the door I was so mad.

The voluntary actions happen in habit, like maybe I won't be able to be as careful and notice it's the same case. I did. I don't want to admit I masturbate. I prefer to masturbate. I just have to knock sense and rest and eat and stuff and gradually I am all better like. My family never takes anger out by hitting the wall but I don't do things a lot of people do like start certain kinds of fights about life. I don't have that problem in fact.


e-mail: [U L] I put the DVD in

I have a towel for a blanket and the keyboard on my lap, just need to make a new account to post about the DVDs on the movie message board site.

e-mail: [U L] getting better

money: don't plan on spending much

I'm happy to be in my room. My face is getting much better, but I have a lot to go, so I dunno how long or what I could do in my room like about getting into We Ski for my Wii and starting to do MIDIs to get famous when I'm better and design clothes and clean the garage.

My schedule is getting better, and my Netflix is working again, just had a bad experience but not sure if I will return them all for good or try to keep watching today but want to take a nap again. I usually eat and sleep so maybe I can put the Q down for next month and see what I want then. See if I have all the DVDs. I'm not watching TV so much anymore.

I dunno but maybe need to make another IMDb account for things I watch on Netflix specifically, I think, should be interesting hopefully this afternoon after a nap. Not sure if I was sick recently, Mike was here. I notice the sky pattern with my window open. I might have to cancel Netflix or just start watching instead of being online. I'm not sure about the ending point. I think I had a few older DVDs and probably should get another account to make it worth it. So like I just sleep and then eat to grow or am writing online and reading some. I spend a lot of time just relaxing and growing and wishing like I didn't do the ballet. I think my body does need rest or moreso my face to get better.

I don't remember nor said about stopping the Netflix this month, January, so I was upset. Maybe it was good since it made me mad, but I like my new account idea in a way. It makes sense to just make one for Netflix on the movie message board site. Just lately I don't remember what was wrong, but I started looking at YouTube and stopped several days ago. At least for now.

I'm concerned about my face and found better ways to manage online accounts. Like I stay up for the night and then don't feel like watching TV so I think I'll just lower the Q as I return DVDs or it's too late since it's almost February so I'll see for this month seeing as there's not much to watch but documentaries not sure about, like the purpose being so random. Not sure if I'll just have one account for interesting things or make a separate one for entertainment. Like I need rest and just washed my sheets because it's hard having to clean and like not using the table in my room to eat and cooking. So I think this time I will watch Netflix because I don't feel as sick just want to take a nap.

IMDb: The Soapbox: Re:

I dunno I just went thru all my old posts and there was no calling anyone stupid. Before there was. Oh right I was called stuff and only know how to say stupid instead of eventually n gg r for mongers. At this point. What else? Tell someone to go f ck? Just explain things are not right works now.

So you were just making a point too. Why don't you care that you don't have this all very available>


IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Discipline to My Brother

Re: Discipline to My Brother
by ManfredMann 18 minutes ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 02:06:07)
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Why are you hitting the walls?

Re: Discipline to My Brother
by ChristinaBarrett15 2 seconds ago (Wed Jan 27 2010 02:24:06)
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Don't suggest that. Hello.
