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Sunday, January 24, 2010

IMDb: The Soapbox: Re: Reasons why you would never marry
To the people who aren't married and really don't plan to be, what are some reasons that you wouldn't.

For me, it's not so much the big things, like how would you ever really be able to trust them?, what if they have another family in the next town?, for me it's the little things that turn me off from the idea of marriage.

Take one of the simplest things, both spouses in the same bed...I'm on one side and in between my books, my clothes, my CDs and player and the TV remote, there wouldn't be room for another person in the bed.

Also, I wouldn't want to share a room with anybody. My room is my own personal living space. Now, I've always thought it would be good for a husband and wife to have one joined room, and then each have a separate bedroom of their own...but all the same, I have so much stuff to fit in so limited a space, I wouldn't want half of my space being divided up to make room for some guy's junk.

That's the kind of stuff that really turns me off to the whole idea of getting married. How about everyone else?
Because I really liked a boy I met and like others and people keep getting mad at me when I do something because they attacked me indirectly all the time.

I hope my blackheads are gone soon because I can be a movie star. I want to be like on a dance team and use my voice to sing.
