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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

IMDb: Tim Burton: Stupid Video

Stupid Video
by ChristinaBarrett15 1 hour ago (Tue Jan 26 2010 00:36:40)
Edit Reply -with-director-tim-burton

Why doesn't he shut up? I was always nice and he has no other good fans. I don't give a f ck about his new family. Helena Bonham Carter likes me better.


Re: Stupid Video
by ChristinaBarrett15 2 minutes ago (Tue Jan 26 2010 01:34:43)
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Ooh I said shut up but what can I say I felt insulted the whole time. That guy was funny, but I felt like I was on cheap drugs that don't work.

I'm glad he asked about his kids. Do you think he is racist towards them? That's what I think because he doesn't take responsibility. It's a boy and a girl growing up without a real father because they don't realize they're just people and that the father might like people with a different mother or older father. My father likes people with younger fathers I know, but I always treat my parents like n gg rs and get very mad about my brother but am not like him in any way except family.

Like, wasn't this stupid? It was cute to see him with the shirt. I didn't feel like calling him a n gg r. I don't care if he calls me a n gg r, but if he means he thinks he's better then I care. I'm not scared of a word like n gg r and I think homo stuff is stupid because it's more of a scientific term and is not well looked into as a sexual thing.

So hbcarter012309.jpg&imgrefurl= eo/helena_bonham_carter/&usg=__SiDB34pPnLIDz2okzOGjTGOo2TA=&h= 300&w=400&sz=24&hl=en&start=133&sig2=2rSgbngQZ5CAZ WDDGGMSxg&um=1&tbnid=bmSIlFEl4JxWSM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124& amp;prev=/images%3Fq%3D%252B%2522Helena%2BBonham%2BCarter%2522%2B%252B kids%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en -US:official%26sa%3DN%26start%3D126%26um%3D1&ei=w5peS9SHMoOWtgfCjf mYBA the bottom video you see his son a lot and he seems to get attention just because he's Tim Burton's son and I don't care. I mean like he isn't made to feel like he's on drugs. He just gets treated like a person. The daughter looks like she wants attention. Tim Burton didn't do anything special. I just grew up with my mother, no f ck about my daddy ho. Or my n gg r grandma. In fact I'm insensitive to this as a point.

All I have to say is his son isn't much. He's just like me after I molded as a person as though later he will be more complicated, but I was complicated and then became fancy and more obvious. I don't think it's a bait for his attention when he has the world at his fingertips. I think he should get that look off his face because everyone else gets in trouble. Tim Burton knows that, and he made his son like that. Don't tell me you don't see that. My brother gets treated certain ways by people, but I think he was gay attacked at start like me, but I'm a girl. I don't know why he's ugly, but I don't care because it's not his fault. It's not just the parents' fault. It's both and the school because people just want to see who the mother is and then treat the kid a certain way. Then they want to know the race. Like how big is the nose? Well mine is big and his is very very very very small. Mine was small because I wasn't fat. Um I mean I kept pretty thin myself without being made to be. I had like that cheap fat, but I'm not sure if that's just something about not getting attention or if others are thinner. Um. I always liked light features, but some cultures don't have that.

LOL. So it was just a joke. I heard them call him gay on the Sweeney Todd DVD. That he would be. Um. It's very clear I look more like Tim Burton. Why do we all care that someday they would be like him? His fat doesn't say anything about a girl being ugly.

So is it okay that it's obvious everyone would be greedy and say oh I like the kid or I especially like the kid? I don't actually have a problem myself. What would Tim say if you said I'm cooler than you and I have an English boyfriend? What if he wanted it for his daughter? That's my feeling.
